Botany Charts, Polyart (ELB6550)

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Polyart Charts are multicoloured, accurate in details, printed on Polyart plastic sheet ,washable, non-tearable and long lasting, with plastic rollers, size 75x100 cm.

ELB6551 Tissues - Epidermis
ELB6552 Tissue - Collenchyma
ELB6553 Tissue - Paranchyma
ELB6554 Tissue - Scleranchyma
ELB6555 Tissue - Cork
ELB6556 Tissue -  Xylem T.S. in simple Pit & broaded pit
ELB6557 Tissue - Phloem
ELB6558 L.S. in Root Tip & T.S. in its different regions
ELB6559 T.S. Dicot & Monocot Root
ELB6560 T.S. of Root (Secondary Growth)
ELB6561 L.S. root Apex & T.S. in different regions
ELB6562 T.S. in Dicot & Monocot stem
ELB6563 T.S. in Stem to show growth with a drawing of Lentice
ELB6564 Flower - L.S. in Flower
ELB6565 Flower - T.S. in Anther
ELB6566 Flower - L.S. in ovary to show embryo sac
ELB6567 Flower - External Features of Flower
ELB6568 Marchantia
ELB6569 Marchantia - Life Cycle
ELB6570 Adiantum
ELB6571 Adiantum - Life cycle
ELB6572 Pinus - External Features
ELB6573 Pinus -  Male & Female Strobli
ELB6574 Pinus -  L.S. through Male Strobli
ELB6575 Pinus -  L.S. through Female Strobli
ELB6576 Stages of formation of Female Gametophyte with the process of Pollination, Fertilisation & Formation of seed
ELB6577 T.S. in epidermis cell that show the Lenticel
ELB6578 Types of red Algae (Polysophonia)
ELB6579 Seed of Vicica Faba opened with its different parts
ELB6580 Stages of germination of the wheat seed
ELB6581 Stages of germination of the cast or bean seed (Ricinus commanis)
ELB6582 Animal and Plant Cell
ELB6583 Typical Plant Cell
ELB6584 Plant Mitosis
ELB6585 Classification of Plants
ELB6586 DNA Molecule
ELB6587 Algae
ELB6588 Fungi
ELB6589 Gram Negative Bacteria
ELB6590 Acid Fast Bacteria
ELB6591 Leaf
ELB6592 Cross Pollination
ELB6593 Life history of Moss
ELB6594 Root Stem & Bud
ELB6595 Spirogyra